Our first week of homeschooling is OVER and we all survived! I am pleasantly surprised at how it all went. There were certainly some rough spots along the way but overall I have to say that I feel a sense of relief that maybe, just maybe, I can actually do this and be somewhat successful at it!
I am homeschooling my eleven year old son, Jacob, and my four year old son, Mason. My nine year old is remaining in public school this year. The baby bear, Maddie, who is fourteen months old will be doing her normal thing each day- (hanging on my leg begging to be held). I found that teaching them both is a little challenging considering that they are so far apart in age. I did notice that there was some time of waiting for the older one when he would finish his assignment and would have to wait on me to finish with the little guy. I plan on putting a system in place to help with this in the coming weeks.
Today as we were riding in the car Jacob made the comment that he was disappointed that tomorrow was Saturday because he wanted to have to school. WOW!!! My child who dreaded every day of public school last year is excited about learning?? That was all I needed to hear to know that we are doing the right thing. I am really looking forward to what this school year will bring and I am loving the opportunity to grow my relationships with my children while expanding their knowledge of the world around them.