Sunday, April 12, 2015

Frozen Memory Work Board Game!


     We are involved in a homeschooling group called Classical Conversations. We meet once a week and the parents tutor and lead the children in lots of learning and activities. We love it! I have been helping out with the review games this year. I started my hunt for a new game this week and came up with this one after gathering some inspiration from Pinterest. I saw where another mom had used paint swatches as game tiles and I absolutely loved the idea! How fun to have such a fantastic array of colors to make bright and beautiful games. I went to work immediately on creating something that I knew would be a hit, (at least in my home). A Frozen board game! 
     I decided to check online for some fun clip art that I could use. Of course there were TONS! I printed and laminated the pictures that I chose. I cut out the pictures and I also cut the paint swatches down to the size that I wanted for the board. I chose a black cardboard poster at the pharmacy that I felt would hold up well and went to work gluing down the pieces. After I had everything placed where I wanted it, I attached velcro pieces to each colored swatch and wrote down fun activities on each of them. VOILA! All done!! All that is left to do is roll the die, ask some memory work questions and let the kiddos learn while having fun! 

It was that easy! I hope you find this inspiring and let me know what you think!

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